Sunday, December 4, 2011

Common Epilepsy Treatments

!: Common Epilepsy Treatments

There are actually many common epilepsy treatments that one suffering from this brain disorder may benefit from participating in. However, the most common form of treatment is drug therapy. This is basically due to the fact that prescription medications have been deemed as the most appropriate course of action for preventing and stopping seizure activity.

The goal of treatment is to reduce the occurrence of seizures and other uncomfortable symptoms associated with epilepsy. When deciding which epilepsy treatments are the most appropriate for your condition, there are many factors that must be considered.

These include the severity of the seizures experienced, if you suffer from other medical conditions, and your general medical history. Here, you will be introduced to several of the common epilepsy treatments.


Many individuals are put on medication therapy. These medications are in a class of drugs known as anticonvulsants. There are several different drugs that are used to prevent and stop seizures. These include, but are not limited, to the following:

• Neurontin

• Tegretol

• Dilantin

• Lamictal

• Lyrica

• Topamax

The down side to drug treatments for epilepsy is that many uncomfortable and troublesome side effects may be experienced while taking the medications. These side effects may include lethargy, cognitive complications, depression and other types of mood fluctuations, and even thoughts and attempts of suicide.

Nerve Stimulation

A type of nerve stimulation that is identified by specialists called "Vagus" is used as a common treatment for epilepsy. There is a nerve found in the back side of the neck that is relatively large that is called the "Vagus" nerve. Specialists will send short, quick electrical bursts to this nerve so that they reach the brain. While this is not a treatment that has been used for a long time, it is a treatment that is becoming more common as it seems to provide a type of balance within the electrical circuitry of the brain.

The Ketogenic Based Diet

There is a special diet that is low in carbohydrates and exceptionally high in fats that may specialists put epilepsy patients on to treat their condition. This diet works to ensure that the body burns the fat that it receives for energy rather than burning the fat for glucose. This diet has been found to assist individuals in experiencing less seizure activity.

This seems to be effective in patients that suffer from epilepsy due to a metabolic disorder or when the body unsuccessfully processes vitamins and nutrients. Most patients that benefit from this type of epilepsy treatment are children.

It is unknown why this seems to work better for children. The down side to this diet is that it could result in a high level of triglycerides in the body. If you are interested in learning about common epilepsy treatments, be sure to discuss all of your options with a medical professional.

Common Epilepsy Treatments

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

I Feel Emotionally Detached - What Does it Mean and What Can I Do?

!: I Feel Emotionally Detached - What Does it Mean and What Can I Do?

This is the urgent question I received in my in-box last week. It came from a woman who was clearly becoming increasingly panic-stricken at the impending life changes she will experience soon.

If you are feeling emotionally detached from your surroundings, your friends and your family, you are most likely experiencing a symptom of anxiety disorder. Some people say they have a sense of unreality. It's also referred to as derealization and depersonalization - a sense that nothing is real.

Many people think they are losing their minds because they know these feelings are not normal. It's a scary experience, and it can happen to anyone who is under severe stress for an extended period of time.

The woman I've been helping with her anxiety-related problems emailed me with concerns about these feelings that had taken over her life. She was about to get married and move away from the family home where she'd always felt safe and secure.

Suddenly, she would have to 'make it' in her own home with all the responsibilities it entails. The stress of having to sort out in her own mind all the drastic changes that face her was overwhelming.

For the first time in her life, she had anxiety disorder. The attacks only hit her in a few areas, but they were gradually filtering across her entire life. That's when the feeling of 'not belonging', of 'feeling detached', struck. She became very afraid of what it meant and how bad it would get.

Apart from feeling detached, she was constantly feeling sleepy even though she believed she was getting sufficient sleep.

Like many anxiety-sufferers, she feared that she was going crazy - losing her mind. The disconcerting thing for her is that she has always been very close to her family and always under their protection.

When she developed an increasing sense of distance between her and her family and coworkers she became extremely worried. She felt like she 'doesn't belong' with them. She was experiencing depersonalization or derealization.

If you experience similar symptoms, here's what's causing them.

First off, sleepiness is an escape mechanism and so is being in a state of feeling detached. They are common side effects of anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorder and panic trigger in us a fear for our safety. Feeling anxious is not normal so we believe there must be something terribly wrong and that we must protect ourselves in whatever way we can.

It all comes back to the fight or flight mechanism that goes into action when we are in threatening or perceived threatening situations. The unresolved conflict of what to do triggers anxiety attacks. If allowed to continue, it becomes anxiety disorder.

In a crisis, our bodies send messages to prepare to defend ourselves. We increase our heart rate so that more energy is available in our muscles so we can run from the danger if need be.

If you've ever had a near-miss accident or been involved in a fender bender, you will know that feeling of being disassociated for a very short time. What happened is you separated your emotional from the logical side of your brain so you could deal with the crisis in a way that your decisions would not be clouded by emotion.

When your emotions are confused or threatened, we react similarly by separating our emotions from our logical brains, thereby creating a sense of disassociated and detached. Your body is doing what is necessary to protect your emotions, which can be fragile sometimes.

In the case of my contact, she was dreading the whole idea of moving away from the comfort of her family home - lots of questions and doubts. A great deal of emotions were involved... ranging from happiness about the marriage and fear of the unknown... too much for her to deal with. If she didn't develop some level of detachment from her surroundings and her immediate family, the effect of the mounting stress on her emotions would be unhealthy.

Sleep acts as an escape from the stress. It also provides relief from the constant pressure we're under. Although my contact thinks she sleeps well, chances are she doesn't get proper restful sleep. This prevents her body from 'repairing' itself from each day's stresses, both physically and mentally.

On top of this, the lack of sleep alone can cause a sense of detachment because our minds want to sleep but our bodies don't allow it. It's not unlike the feeling we get when we are getting very tired at the end of the day and ready for bed. Our brains are beginning to shut down in preparation for sleep. This state creates a type of separation of our minds from our bodies.

It's important not to get too obsessed about feeling detached when you are going through anxiety disorder and panic, and experiencing that sense of derealization. Although it's uncomfortable to feel that way, and certainly disconcerting, it's not serious. It's self-preservation tactics at work.

We use our emotions when dealing with friends, family and coworkers. They help us to understand how others are feeling and what their conversations really mean. Our emotions are always at work as part of our communication network. Without emotions, it would be difficult for us to truly understand the intent behind what people say and do.

When your body feels the need to put its emotions in a protective place, it blocks those over-worked emotions so they can rest and not burn out. When we feel stronger mentally and our bodies are properly aligned again, that blockage will be released and the feelings of connection between us and our surroundings will return to normal.

What can you do in the meantime?

It's not easy, but the first step is to try not to worry about those feelings. One way to do that is to find something to distract you. For instance, do something enjoyable and relaxing, like going swimming, reading a good book, taking a drive in the country, visit your favorite place, take part in your favorite community event.

If lack of sleep is the problem, try something different. Instead of lying in bed trying to get to sleep, try staying awake instead. Pull out a book and read - when you feel sleepy, don't give in. Try to stay awake as long as possible until your body just refuses to obey. There's no scientific evidence this will work - it's just a theory that's certainly worth a try.

To sort through your crisis, however, you need to take more definite steps. Your first goal must be to take back control. Here's what we're aiming for:

First... control your thoughts. Second... control your life. The end result... you control your anxiety disorder.

If you have a pressing issue that needs resolving and it's causing you distress - or if you have a major life change coming up and you are feeling at sea - there are things you can do right now.

Let's take my friend's case. She's getting married and moving into a new home with her husband, leaving her family behind. She doesn't know what to expect and this is making her very nervous and anxious. The underlying derealization has her downright scared.

Get to the root of your distress and take control

If you're planning to get married or start out on your own, try this.

Take a sheet of paper and write down every single thing that will change, from organizing your own home and paying your own bills to deciding who gets the first shower and who gets the remote. You might note that your new home will be quieter because there will be fewer people around.

Your list can include your food choices, stocking the medicine cabinet and kitchen cupboards, what kinds of problems might arise with the house or apartment and how you'll deal with them, how you'll keep track of the money and where you'll do the banking, who'll be in charge of what, etc.

Sort out exactly what parts you are unsure of. Be sure to include the good and the bad things - things you are looking forward to, and the things that have you worried.

When your list is complete, set it aside for a day or two and let your idle brain resolve them for you. Amazingly, the brain can be extremely effective when you give it the problem and let it 'do its thing' while you get on with your day. Solutions will pop out at you at the most unexpected time. You will have amazing revelations when you least expect them. And at that very moment, you will experience a feeling of great satisfaction and relief.

The final step is to go back over your list and identify exactly what it is you're afraid of and work on finding solutions. Do not labor over the problems themselves. Figure out how you're going to deal with them, how you'll make your decisions, decide how much on the list you can control and how you'll control them.

For example, let's say you are overwhelmed with unpaid bills and they are so out of control you feel you'll never recover.

The first step is to establish why you got in this predicament in the first place. Quite possibly it's because you didn't set a budget. You had no idea how much you could afford to spend, so you just spent. Now the bill collectors are causing you extreme anxiety and you are dreading the imposing outcome.

In other words, you lost control of that part of your life. What you want to do now is take back control.

First, you have to figure out how to set your budget and how to figure out how much you can spend, and how you will pay off what you owe.

List all your bills with dates of when they are or were due. Start with the one that's been overdue the longest and work your way down the list. Calculate how much your income is per month, how much you need to survive every month, and find out what's left.

There are several ways you can proceed. You can focus on paying off the oldest bills first, or you can spread your money over all of your outstanding debts.

If this exercise causes you too much stress and anxiety, especially if you're like me and do not have good math skills, find someone who can help you with it. Some volunteer organizations offer such services, so check at your local library, in your local phone book, or church.

Do this with the rest of the items on the list. Find solutions to all the things that make you feel anxious or nervous or that you just don't feel comfortable with.

This exercise is a great way to take control, believe me. When all this stuff is floating around inside our brains, we get confused and anxious. Their importance magnifies to the point we blow it all out of proportion.

When we write them down, they take on a whole new perspective. They aren't nearly as fearful as we thought. In fact, when we see some things written down we'll feel downright silly that they scared us because they aren't as big a problem or situation as we'd allowed ourselves to imagine.

Doing this will put you back in control so you can finally enjoy some relief from your anxiety disorder. Once you gain control of your situation, you will be ready to take back control of your life. Your anxiety disorder will dissipate and "feeling detached" will soon fade away.

One last bit of advice - only allow positive thoughts into your mind. When you doubt your ability to overcome your situation, remind yourself that you "can take control over this (because I'm strong or smart) and getting (stronger or smarter)".

I Feel Emotionally Detached - What Does it Mean and What Can I Do?

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

While You Were Busy, Life Passed By

!: While You Were Busy, Life Passed By

This summer I enjoyed a nice vacation in Door County with my family. We rented a house that was just big enough for the eleven of us. We roasted marshmallows, fished for salmon, gazed at the stars, played mini golf, sampled wine, sat on the beach, and ate lots of cherry-related products (thumbs up on the cherry barbecue sauce). I also did something I haven't done in years: I didn't check e-mail or surf the internet once.

Somehow, the world continued to rotate on its 23-degree axis.

Now, it took some planning and preparation to pull it off. Before I left, I cleaned up my e-mail inbox, prepped all my web site files, and trained someone in the office to do the site updating. I had intended to check e-mail mid-week, but once I got a taste of living low tech, that goal didn't take long to evaporate. It was a relaxing week.

And now for emphasis: the sun still rose and set on a regular basis and the business didn't crumble to the ground.

Hmphf. It all makes me wonder why I place so much urgency and importance on checking my e-mail so many times a day. There were plenty of internet cafés I could've visited to "stay connected." (Or in other words, "stay distracted.") But then I might have missed out on playing catch with my brother, talking about our hopes and dreams. I might have missed out on the spirited game of Disney Uno with my nieces. Or the refreshing walk with my bride amidst a green cathedral of pine trees.

Our world is connected like never before. And all of our technological advancements are supposed to give us more time. Instead, we fall for the temptation of trying to pack more tasks into the time we've saved.

I heard a saying once that if the devil can't make you bad, he'll make you busy.

Adultitis thrives in all this busyness. And all this busyness tricks you into feeling like you're productive. When you feel productive, you think you're actually getting something accomplished. And when you think you're getting something accomplished, you are fooled into believing that your work is not only obligatory, but indispensable.

But here's what's really happening: life is passing you by.

Many of us miss out on the important stuff because we're convinced that the busyness is a standard operating procedure. And we're deceived by the mirage that someday, if we work hard enough, our to-do list will be cleared. As David Allen reminds us in his book "Getting Things Done," you will die with things STILL on your to-do list.

This never-ending hamster wheel is the part of adulthood you need to escape from now and then. As difficult as it may seem, you need to unplug yourself from the daily grind. To think it's not possible is not only wrong, it's flat out foolish. If your situation is really bad (like checking your cell phone for messages every minute on the minute bad), perhaps you should consider an all-out "tech sabbatical."

These are the questions you need to seriously ask yourself: Do you really need to work extra to afford that lastest gadget? Will life cease to exist if you don't check your e-mail three times before breakfast? What's the worst that will happen if you don't answer your cell phone while you're having lunch with a friend?

Can you detach yourself from busyness for an hour a day? A day a week? A week every three months?

Here's the biggie: What will you miss if you don't?

While You Were Busy, Life Passed By

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Top 9 Causes Of A Flushing Face

!: Top 9 Causes Of A Flushing Face

1. Embarrassment

It's almost impossible to avoid flushing or blushing when we feel embarrassed.
Either when we least expect it or even worse when we do expect it.
When you next feel embarrassment try to remember that your face turning red is 99.9% common and the
only discomfort you will feel is the embarrassment itself and not the so called shame of a red face.

2. Exercise

How many people do you know who don't turn a different shade of pink from a vigorous work out? Whether it's running for
20 mins on a piece of gym equipment or making love - we all go red and suffer a flushing face during exertion.

3. Anxiety and Phobias

The triggers that cause anxiety or phobic reactions make us feel uncomfortable and stressed out. These feelings can
cause an increase in blood flow and pressure which ultimately results in the reddening of the face. If you can relate to
this then the only plausible solution is to tackle the underling psychological issues that cause such physical reactions.

4. The fear of blushing

Following on from point 3, the physical reactions from psychological triggers such as anxiety, phobias or stress can often self manifest.
This means that the mere fact that you become self conscious about your flushing then becomes a problem in itself. No longer
are you flushing because of the original cause, but you are now experiencing a "second tier" of flushing due to the fact that you
are anxious about the fact that you are flushing in the first place.

5. Frustration

Frustration is the distant relative of stress. As we know, stress can cause high blood pressure and as such, frustration can and often does cause
flushing. Even classic cartoon characters are given facial redness expressions to portray frustration.

6. Sadness

Often sadness and in its extremity, crying, can cause a higher volume of blood to rush to the face.

7. Happiness and laughter

Many people, when engaged in uncontrollable laughter, are prone to flushing of the face. The harder we laugh the less
in control we become and more importantly the less self aware we become. We let ourselves go and as laughter requires a great
deal of physical and energetic resource, we tend to flush as a result.

8. Menopause

One of the most common triggers of a flushing face is most certainly a flushing face. Many women suffer intensely from flushing and hot flashes.
There are many products and suggested solutions for menopause and the treatments for flushing are just a part of the market.

9. Hot n' spicy foods (and drink)

Although some people don't seem to flinch at a mouthful of chicken madras, the rest of us have to endure wild and fierce attacks of facial flushing at the first
sign of eastern european cuisine. It can become annoying to say the least. For some of you reading, it can be the difference between
going out and socializing and staying in with a mild Italian dish instead. It shouldn't be that way now should it?

As you can see, there are many causes of a flushing face. For some people, all of the points can seem familiar and for others,
it may just be one of these points that cause you problems. Further more, for some of you; there may be something more specific
that causes face flushing. Whatever it is, there is always a solution. The deciding factor is - can you determine what it is and ultimately
are you willing to do something right now to change your situation for the better? I did, you can too.

Top 9 Causes Of A Flushing Face

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Drugs Treating Epilepsy Can Have Side Effects That Lead to Increased Suicide Attempts

!: Drugs Treating Epilepsy Can Have Side Effects That Lead to Increased Suicide Attempts

One of such drugs is called Lamictal. It is used to treat epilepsy and it is also used for treating long term bipolar disorder. Side effects of Lamictal include dizziness, headaches, double vision, coordination problems, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting. A large portion of people also experience drowsiness, coughing, sore throats, stomach pains, insomnia, tremors, back pain, fatigue, indigestion, bronchitis, diarrhea, fever, constipation, chest pains and weight loss. A number of people experience more serious side effects, like worsening of seizures, depression, bleeding, yellow eyes/skin, muscle pain, different allergic reactions, rashes(a Lamictal rash can be a life threatening problem due to infection) and in a number of people it can also lead to a suicide attempt.

The last one is a severe threat, a lot of people underestimate the degree of suicide attempts. In fact over 1.1 million Americans attempt suicide every year, it's so bad, that 1 out of 14 Americans knows someone who committed suicide last year. Woldwide the numbers are even worse, the number of suicide attempts jumps up to an astonishing 10-20 million. To put this in terms easier to comprehend, that's the equivalent of the entire population of Australia trying to kill themselves every year.

As you can see suicide is a real threat and should be preparaed against. So if you know someone who is taking Lamictal(even if they are taking the generic version of Lamictal) or some other drug that is used to treat epilipsy or bipolar disorder, make sure to learn all the possible suicide warning signs, so that you can interfere and save the person's life in the event they become suicidal. If you yourself are the one taking some of these drugs...make sure to give a suicide warning signs guide to someone who you interact with on a daily basis. This way you'll have someone who can intervene and save your life, when they feel you are developing suicidal tendencies.

Note: For Lamictal pay extra attention for suicide warning signs if the person is going through a Lamictal withdrawal or showing Lamictal withdrawal symptoms (being very irritable), since there is an increased risk of a suicide attempt, especially if they are quitting the medicine cold turkey. Quitting any medicine cold turkey, means complete chaos in the person's mind which no longer receives the drug it grew accustomed to. To quit any medicine, you should draw down the doses 1-2 weeks at a time.

Drugs Treating Epilepsy Can Have Side Effects That Lead to Increased Suicide Attempts

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Aluminum handle cutting lathe south bend

Aluminum handle cutting lathe south bend Video Clips. Duration : 0.48 Mins.

With a cut-off tool for cutting a 1 "aluminum mast. E 'does not cut so I had to use regular oil.

Keywords: lathe, machining

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Metal Lathe Buying Guide

While metal lathes are mostly used for industrial purposes, nowadays they have also started to be employed by craftsmen and hobbyists from all over the world. Many people who are interested in more than simple woodworking, such as maybe creating a small steam engine or an internal combustion engine, will need to get a metal lathe in order to complete the job.

If you've never worked with - or even seen - a metal lathe, the experience of buying one can be quite an intimidating thought. This is because the machine is not a typical craft item and the literature on the web on it is not much geared towards crafts and hobbies, but more towards industrial and commercial purposes. So finding what you really need to buy as a hobbyist might be a daunting task without proper research.

Lathe Metal

First of all when you buy your first lathe, avoid used ones. This is especially important if you haven't had one before because you will simply not know what works and what doesn't on your piece. And given the fact that lathes are by no means cheap, you really need to get the best you can in order to make the most of your cutting experience.

Metal Lathe Buying Guide

Also you need to avoid buying the smallest size. I've seen many people who had to upgrade to a bigger one in 1-2 years, which means that the money invested in the first one was wasted. So try to buy a lathe of a size larger than you actually think you will need.

In addition, you will need an equipment with a quick change gearbox. Of course, you can also buy one with a manual change set of gears if you can handle the time to change the gears (about 5 minutes each time). If you like doing things fast and automatically, the quick change one is your best bet.

Finally when it comes to the manufacturer and country of origin, you might find US models and Asian models. It is a fact that nowadays Asian countries can produce good quality equipment and machinery, however I still trust better the US products, as they have really good quality testing and if anything happens with the piece you buy, it's much easier to replace it locally rather than trying to have it shipped from China or Taiwan.

Metal Lathe Buying GuideDopes a new project Video Clips. Duration : 7.43 Mins.

Back to a new project for you fireplace owners.

Keywords: fireplace, welding, miller, mig, fabricating, metal, steal, grinding, tube, bending, milling, lathe, work, fun, creative, build, custom, plasma, tourch, fabrication, cutting, steelwork, metalwork, migwelding, Dopes, Customs

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Establishment of an electric motor. (Cut to cut close to the average outdoor and departing on a metal lathe)

Establishment of an electric motor. (Cut to cut close to the average outdoor and departing on a metal lathe) Tube. Duration : 2.02 Mins.

Attack of 0.3 mm between the uncertainty and the support bell of a motor Turnigy adapter. The bar is so soft, it requires no lubrication.

Keywords: metal, lathe, closeup, close, up, Inside, cut, outside, parting, turnigy, slop, electric, motor

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Types of Metal Lathe

A metal lathe is used to remove materials from work pieces after cutting down any materials. These devices were primarily designed to machine metals. With the inherent versatility of these equipments, they are widely used in many numbers of applications. They are even used to cut plastic and wooden materials.

A center lathe is considered as the base for metal lathe machines. There are several existing versions of these machines and it is one of the oldest models available in this type of power tool. The construction and price differs according to the intended application. It is also known as engine lathe.

Lathe Metal

The capstan lathe belongs to the ram style turret lathe machines. The characteristics of this device are a combination of basic lathe and the capstan head along with depth stops. The longitudinal movement is made possible with the help of short slide. A die head is used to fasten the process and to yield better results.

Types of Metal Lathe

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Using castings from your charcoal foundry (see Book 1 in the series: The Charcoal Foundry by David Gingery) and simple hand methods (no machine tools needed!) you can build a sturdy and accurate bed for a metal lathe. Then additional castings, common hardware items and improvised equipment will add the headstock, tailstock, carriage and all the remaining parts to complete the lathe.Illustrated with photos and drawings to show you all you need to know about patterns, molding, casting and finishing the parts. The lathe specs. include a 7" swing over the bed and 12" between centers. Adjustable tailstock with set-over for taper turning. Adjustable gibs in sliding members and adjustable sleeve bearings in the headstock. A truly practical machine capable of precision work.Once you have a foundry to cast the parts and a lathe to machine them you can tackle more exotic projects.

A turret lathe belongs to the category of production machine and has similar characteristics to the capstan lathe. Hallow spindle lathes generally belong to this category of lathe machines.

The above said types of designs have some common advantages and they can be used to execute operations like drilling, reaming, boring etc. The cost factor depends on the type of applications and these tools are solely intended for professional uses. Contractors and workers are highly dependent on these mechanical tools to get the work done. Choose the correct type of lathe to execute your work at faster rate.

Types of Metal LatheLathe_Steady_Rest_Center_Cutting.wmv Video Clips. Duration : 2.67 Mins.

Drilling of a center "between centers, this is done without using a mandrel. The part is placed on a center in the headstock and driven with a lathe dog. A bezel is used at the tailstock end.

Keywords: Lathe work, Steady rest, Engine Lathe, Lathe center cutting, Metal cutting, Lathe work between centers

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tips to Use a Metal Lathe

A metal lathe is one of the most important tools required in a metal working shop. If you are a professional metal worker or simply a hobbyist, buying a good quality metal lathe is a good idea. But how do you use it? This article will tell you all about it.

Most metal lathes come with a 3 jaw chuck though a few of them have a 4 jaw chuck. The chuck rotates at variable speeds up to as much as 6500 rpm on machines. For starting, you will have to clamp the piece of metal to be turned in the chuck. As the metal lathe is a precision machine, you will have to cut the sizes according to the tolerance it has. Leaving the key in the chuck is a mistake you cannot make. Use the key only when you use it to tighten the part in the chuck.

Lathe Metal

Since using a metal lathe is not exactly a piece of cake, it would be a good idea to work with it for the first few times under the guidance of an experience metal master. This is also a power tool that can easily hurt you if you are not the least bit careful.

Tips to Use a Metal Lathe

Working with metal is enjoyable only if you know how to. Wearing protective eye gear is extremely important when you are doing any kind of metal work because the fire splinters that get emanated may even blind you. Also, choose your metal working power tools with care and make sure you invest in high- quality products.

Tips to Use a Metal LatheSouthbend metal lathe assignment 1 of 2 (basic use) Video Clips. Duration : 9.42 Mins.

Introduction to lathe table. VDO offers a range of materials and tools. Illustrates the safety and ease of the procedures for planning, turning and drilling. See also Part 1. Video used for introducing me to the middle school program in Vancouver technical metal lathe.

Tags: metalwork, safety, machinist, lathe, WCB, Vantech, metalshop, standard, modern, facing, drilling, turning, metal

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